Spark Your Child’s Imagination with Children English 02!

Is your curious 6-7 year old bursting with energy and ready to explore the world? Children English 02 is the perfect way to ignite their love for learning and open the door to a world of English language discovery!

Here’s what makes our Children English 02 course so special:

  • Fun & Interactive: We use playful activities, games, and songs to keep your child engaged and having a blast while they learn!
  • Building Blocks for Success: Our course focuses on building a strong foundation in English through everyday vocabulary, simple phrases, and clear pronunciation.
  • Confidence Boost: We create a warm and supportive environment where your child feels comfortable trying new things and celebrating their progress!
  • Real-World Learning: Children will connect what they learn to their daily lives, making English relevant and exciting.
  • Progress Reports: Stay informed on your child’s journey with regular progress reports that showcase their achievements.

Watch your child:

  • Sing along to catchy English songs!
  • Make new friends in a global classroom!
  • Gain the confidence to speak simple English phrases! ️
  • Develop critical thinking skills through interactive activities!
  • Take a big step towards becoming a future bilingual rockstar!

Give your child the gift of language and open a world of possibilities! Enrol them in Children English 02 today! ➡️

Don’t wait! Spots are limited!

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Course Includes

  • 8 Lessons
  • 20 Topics


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